Location: Room 224 Molecular and Radiological Biosciences (MRB) Building
A manually operated Nikon epifluorescence microscope with a video camera for capturing digital images is available for routine fluorescence imaging on fixed samples. Filter cubes for all common fluorophores (DAPI, Fluorescein, Rhodamine, Texas Red, Cy 3, Cy5) are available but only three can be loaded in the slider simultaneously. The microscope has several different condensers for phase/dark/field and long working distance but can only be changed by trained individuals as alignment is often difficult. The imaging system utilizes Metamorph software (no longer supported) for image capture and analysis. Dongles are available for sign-out and use on personal computers.
For training and use of this equipment contact: Alisa Shaw, 970-443-5370 (alisa.shaw@colostate.edu)
Training: $40 per user.
Hourly: $3.50 (minimum use is 1 h for lamp time)
Subscription: no subscription available for this instrument